About Me

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A gundog natural instinct is to retrieve. Retrieving Trials provide a perfect avenue for these dogs to express their natural abilities, have fun and exercise. Our sport simulates hunting conditions where the dogs ability to retrieve is tested over various terrain and conditions commonly found in hunting scenarios. The dogs retrieve Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers (artificial game) from anything from dams or creeks to thick marsh or sparse paddocks. We strive to make our competitions a friendly and social environment where our competitors can not only compete whilst having fun with their canine companions, but also enjoy the comradery and friendships that develop with people of similar interests.

Monday, 21 December 2015

2015 Trophy Night

The Acacia Ridge Hotel
1388 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge

6.30pm - 11.30pm

Tickets - $50 per person
Includes 3 Course Meal (alt drop), Tea and Coffee

Lucky Door prizes and raffles drawn on the night.

RSVP as soon as possible please
Margaret Wedgwood 0417 606 214
Denise Nimmo 07 3351 2398

Payments can be made directly to the UFR club account
BSB 124066, AC 20508140 (Please include name when direct depositing)
Cheques can be made payable to United Field and Retrieving Branch

Hotel accommodation is available at the Acacia Ridge Hotel.
Phone 07 3275 1444

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Training Assistance

UFR is seeking a roll of people interested in helping new and potential trialers with training. UFR sees this as a follow-on from our formally organised Training Days held throughout the year. We are after people from all districts. 

If you would like to be added to this list, please contact Mr Nev Bawden.

Retriever Training Conference for Handlers

SSAA WGAA UFR Queensland only rule

United Field and Retrieving Branch Q73 are looking to introducing new rule to our discipline in QLD only.

'SSAA WGAA UFR Queensland only rule' - The length of a run in SSAA WGAA UFR Trials will not exceed a maximum of 150 metres'

This will be discussed and voted on at the 2017 WGAA National Conference but will be instigated in Queensland from our first 2016 Trial.

All club members are welcome to submit their opinions to the executive before our February meeting to be held 3/2/16, for further discussion before voting.
All members are of course welcome to attend club meetings, starting at 7.30pm, Brookside Hotel, Mitchelton.  Meals are available.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Christmas BBQ - 6 December

The club will be holding the annual Christmas Breakup BBQ this year on the 6th December, at Bryan and Sally's place (Woodford). 

Details as follows:

  • Starting at 11am.
  • FREE Sausage Sizzle.
  • Bring a dessert to share.
  • BYO drinks and chair.
  • SANTA will be coming, so if you are bringing the kids, don't forget a present for them for Santa's sack.

Please email us at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au if you need directions.

See you all there!

2015 Queensland Cup

It was with much pleasure that i was given the opportunity to judge the Queensland cup once again.
I have to start by thanking everyone who helped on the day which was almost everyone at the trial but specially those who gun stewarded, game stewarded and people who just helped carry gear from one run to the next.
Thank you of course to the club for the appointment and a very special thank you to Brian and Sally Pritchard for accommodating me, feeding me and lending me a vehicle. They always make me feel very welcome and at home but once again they refused to sign the adoption papers. 
To the runs. 

The site was a challenge to me initially to set 5 testing runs without being too repetitious. On the Saturday we set out some runs and then on the Sunday morning we fine tuned those runs and made adjustments according to wind, sun etc.

The first run:  Order of Retrieve was left middle right.
The first run was a triple mark through water, on land and in water. Some handlers came to the pegs with a dry dog not prepped ready to swim. The pegs were set five meters apart and then not used in their entirety by some. Handlers did not ask questions or I believe spend adequate time at the pegs when being showed the run. There was easier access to the first tough bird up the left side, although not the most direct. Any dog that had trouble on that leg ended up on that side and the retrieve was made if the dog remembered the depth. Also the handler had to be aware of the other two birds that landed in the water were moving with the wind. 
That first bird was  through such heavy water and weeds etc that i almost cancelled the leg. I was also quite prepared to jump in and rescue any dog that may have gotten into real trouble. Fortunately my help wasn't required.

The second run: Order of Retrieve was blind, middle mark, right mark

The second run was also a triple retrieve. I felt during set up that it was a good idea to have another triple because sometimes due to the attrition rate at a big trial, handlers don't always get the opportunity to run triples as they are usually late in the day. This retrieve was a blind and a double mark. The dog was stayed and the blind was shot 30 degrees to the left about 80 meters out, on land. The handler then reloaded and called the dog. The long mark was thrown straight out about100 meters landing in water. The third mark was up and over the right hand ridge landing in heavy cover. As usual set up at the pegs was critical as was receiving the first bird (the blind) then relocating between the pegs to send the dog for the long mark into water. Then again to receive the second bird and set up for the third bird at the right hand side of the pegs. Once the bird was sent for the bird on the ridge he was out of sight. If the dog was set up between the pegs correctly the chance of remembering the fall and a successful retrieve was greatly increased. This also diminishes the urge to line the dog on memory birds as once they are sent you can see they remember the fall of the bird on the way out.

The third run: Single walk up in water

I set this run up because i knew it would show me the natural hunting ability of the dogs. (It would also help with the time restraints).
As the gun closed the handlers body language changed as did their dogs. The top scoring dog on this run (50 points) was Errol beautifully handled by his partner Sam who shot right at the apex of the flight of the bird which then allowed the dog to see and hear the fall of the game. This was shadowed by the gun barrel as a pointer all the way down. Thus reiterating the mark for the dog.
Once again when the dog was sent he was soon out of sight of the handler and as there was many different obstacles between the dog and the bird "fetch" was replaced with the command " in the water".
This smart handling and gamesmanship left no doubt in the dogs mind what was required of him.

The fourth run:  Double rise in water

With this retrieve the dog was sent for the first mark after two shots were fired. From the pegs to the bird there were two rivulets of water, lots of fallen timber, an open expanse with a grassy knoll and then down a small bank with about a 40 meter swim. A double rise for me as a judge is as close as i like to get to seeing a retrieve turn into an exercise. When duck shooting and occasionally bagging two birds with two shots, this quite often turns into a double rise retrieve and as such deserves its place in our sport. Interestingly the eventual winning dog scored identical points on both legs.

The Fifth run: Double blind and two bird into water

This last run was truly a difficult and testing retrieve for both dog and handler. Out of the 11 birds to be retrieved during the trial, the second last bird was only the second blind of the day (although unfortunately some dogs had more blinds than others) The dog was left behind at a peg and the blind shot. The handler then reloaded and called his dog. The peg placement on this run was tight, so the view before the handler was as follows: A long expanse of water approximately 30 meters wide and 200 meters long with reasonably cover on the left bank and very heavy cover and steep banks on the right bank. The blind was approx. 130 away on the righthand bank at a 15degree angle There was no foot scent in the area as the blind was hand thrown from above. The bird landed about 4 to 5 meters above the water line in very heavy cover. There was also a spit of land running parallel to the right hand bank about 60 - 70 meters out. 
From the pegs i could see the obvious dilemma of some of the handlers. Send the dog on the left bank and the slight curve took the dog away and out of sight. Go to the right hand bank it was much too steep and very heavy in cover.  Therefor a reasonably straight line to the bird would channel the dog to the only easy exit on the right hand side at the correct depth and area. All four dogs attempting this retrieve, would hunt through and over the area several times before locating the bird. Such was the degree of difficulty of this leg. When the dog was returning with the blind a two bird was cast just behind the dog approximately 50 - 60 meters out landing in the water. As a dog handler and judge its always satisfying respond and mark down a two bird but then finish the retrieve, deliver nicely and then indicate eagerly the bird still to be retrieved without a line from a leg, a gun barrel, a hand or a reset at the pegs. Three of the four dogs completed this run. Unbeknown to the handlers the right hand side of the spit of land, if they had noticed was running water. If a dog was sent up that small channel it took them straight to the blind. 

This was my fourth appointment in Qld and I can see that generally the dog work is improving.  I thoroughly enjoyed the day and if i was to comment where there might be some improvement needed it would be as follows:

Deliveries - Deliveries seemed a bit rushed and the dog was often still moving, I  find when trialing the delivery should be a calm gentle procedure which then allows the dog 2 - 3 seconds to reset and also 3 - 6 breaths and then be more ready to retrieve again and more importantly you the handler given those valuable seconds which can afford you the time to make the best decision at hand. Also its an easy five points and sometimes a not so pretty retrieve doesn't seem so bad with a nice gently delivery to finish. 
Popping - The one thing that stood out to me considering it is almost the end of the trailing season was a prevalence of the dogs popping.  This is when the dog is commanded to fetch a mark or blind, runs a short distance, stops and looks back at the handler. A few things spring to mind as to why this is happening. It seems to be more prevalent late in the season especially during and or after the big trials.The dogs have been worked and trained hard and sometimes physically tired. The require obedience for the stakes can also take its toll on some dogs mentally. You can see this in their body language, it can happen to beginners and national champions alike. I believe it is easy to remedy, the dogs need to be rewarded for all their hard work. I found the best way to do this was to let them be dogs, also lots of cuddles and attention in the form of praise with the appropriate tones. Of course the ultimate reward is to take them hunting, even allow them to break and have poor handovers. Accompanied by your reassuring demeanor. My dual champion super dog "Russ" would occasionally break in the swamp. He knew, i knew it and neither of us cared. the importance of the whole exercise was the bonding and the fun that we had. A confident and happy dog will always try his heart out for you.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all competitors.
Byron Kendall

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Farewell ‘TESSA’

Proudly owned by Denis and Kylie

25/6/2012 – 13/10/2015

‘A True Champion’

All members of UFR feel the loss of this little dog as each of us has been through these low periods after the passing of our companion animals – but the loss of one so young  and so very talented,  is especially tragic.

We congratulate Denis, Kylie and ‘Tessa’ on achieving so much in the time they shared. What a delight this team was to watch at our retrieving trials.

We all sympathise with Denis and Kylie and hope that it will only be a short period of time before we can once again enjoy their comradery at our UFR events.  

To Denis and Kylie – our hope is that you take time to remember what you shared with your wonderful  ‘Tessa’, grieve for your loss and then move forward strengthened by these experiences  and supported by your  friends.

Denis and Kylie have asked that their thanks and appreciation are passed on to UFR Members for the love and support shown during the last 6 weeks.

Time is needed now for Denis and Kylie to grieve.  Just know that your friends are thinking of you.

SSAA WGAA United Field and Retrieving Branch Inc (Qld)


Monday, 28 September 2015

Our last trial for 2015

Seen us at the SSAA Shot Expo....but have not come along to take a look?

This is your last chance for 2015, with our final trial for the year to be held at Jimna, Kilcoy on the 10th & 11th October.  Camping is available, or the property is only 1.5hrs from Brisbane, so why not bring a packed lunch and come for a drive out for the day.  

Competitions run from 8am-2pm each day.

Our trialing season runs from March to Oct each year, so if you can't make it, please keep an eye on our calendar for our 2016 events.  We will also be holding FREE training days over the next few months, so please join our email list so that we can keep you updated.

If we've convinced you to come along on 10th & 11th Oct, please drop us a line at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au ...and we'll email you a mudmap on where to go.

Looking forward to seeing you there for our final trial of 2015!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Our appearance at the SSAA Shot Expo

Wow, what an amazing weekend, where do I start...

I suppose I never really expected to gather big crowds at our retrieving demonstrations  at the SSAA Shot Expo on weekend, like our VIC and NSW counterparts had done at theirs down south.  And being outside the building, when all the other exhibitors were inside (along with the threat of rain), I really felt that we may not get very many watching....how wrong I was!

We gathered at the RNA grounds (hi-vis vests inhand) to set up in the dark on Friday night, our fingers crossed that the weather would hold for us, at least for the weekend, so that we could show visitors what retrieving trials in QLD were all about.  The gods were with us, and when Saturday arrived, we were blessed with glorious sunshine.

The amount of visitors that filled the plaza on Saturday morning, waiting for the doors to open was amazing, so we took the opportunity to take the dogs out for a pat amongst the crowd.  At 11am and 2pm we held our demonstrations, and gathered crowds 4 deep on all three sides of our fenced area.  The crowd loved the dogs, whether they were doing what they were suppose to, or mucking up (as in Franklin's case), and we were blessed with lots of claps, cheers and laughter.

Saturday saw great Open demonstrations from Gunner and Tessa, Advanced work from Blondie and Chevy, and Intermediate work from Grady, Jacko, Ruby and Franklin.  Jacko and Grady even took a dip in the mini duck ponds that were part of the display!

On Sunday, Elley, Errol and Nyah helped out with Open runs, Tikka with Advanced, and Asali, Ruby and Franklin for Intermediate.

Alas we could not show the audience the precision and skills the dogs possess in the field, but we did the best we could on pavers, with both dogs and handlers alike doing an amazing job under the circumstances.

The weekend seemed effortless, with so many wonderful members offering their assistance, which just goes to show how special our club really is.  It is truly amazing when people are prepared to give up their weekends to help out at a stand, with nothing in return apart from great company! 

Of course I'd be amiss not to mention our sponsors for the weekend.  Without these guys, the stand would not have been anywhere near as good as it was...

Gina was wonderful to work with, supplying us with banners, windflags, showbags, prizes and more for our stand. 

The support we receive from SSAA constantly amazes me.  Michael and the team at SSAA Qld kept us hydrated and covered all weekend.  

Therese and Peter from GreenGrove (Indoor Plant Hire) answered my call for trees for our display, and they looked great!  They were extremely generous and a joy to work with.  

And a big thankyou to Michael, Michael (yes there are two of them) and the Exhibitions Group for having us along. 

Last but not least, I'd like to thank our members for their amazing effort on the weekend.  Whether it be blowing up balloons and putting them on stick for the kids, working their dogs for the demos, babysitting, manning a thrower, public speaking, setting up, packing up, or just helping out in general. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  The weekend would not have been anywhere near as great without you!

Jim & Linda Jeffrey, and Ruby
Rad, Teharna & Capri Mirramon-Jeffrey, and Chevy
Judy & Robert Price, and Blondie
Byran & Sally Pritchard, and Gunner
Edwena Adcock, Grady and Jacko
Gary Quinlan
Denis & Kylie Bullimore, Tessa and Asha
Andy Campbell-Jeffrey
Ted Johnson
Ron & Cathie Jackson
Lauren & Quinn Wallace, and Nyah
Ian & Sue Wallace, and Asali
Sam & Elaine Haigh, Elley and Errol
Colin & Christine Robinson
Nev Bawden and Tikka
Kai & Sebastian Jeffrey



Tuesday, 11 August 2015

September Trial - Date Change

Our trial on 13/9/15 has been postponed to 20/9/15, due to the SSAA Disciplines meeting.
Please ensure you have changed the date in your calendar.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Congratulations Sam & Elaine

UNTIED FIELD AND RETRIEVING takes great pride in congratulating one of our founding members MR SAM HAIGH for being inducted into the ANKC Hall of Fame.
Sam and his past GSP Dog BRONCO (Nat FTCh & RTCh Garjanhauf Bronco) have been recognized as "Prominent Person" and "Distinguished Dog" in their Retrieving & Field Hall of Fame for 2015, quoting "Outstanding & significant contributions to the sports of Retrieving or Field Trials".
Sam's long and distinguished career in Retrieving in Australia together with this dog's wonderful achievements in Field and Retrieving Trials make this a fitting honor indeed.

Monday, 20 July 2015

The first SSAA WGAA 'North South Challenge'

Yes, we did it...and yes, it was cold!

The first weekend in July saw a group of 22 of our members take the trip to VIC to compete in the first SSAA WGAA 'North South Challenge'.  The temps dropped lower and lower, the further we headed south, but with our winter wardrobe packed, nothing could stop us...heavens, we had a retrieving trial to go to!

Our Victorian counterparts were very welcoming, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company over the two days.  It was wonderful to spend the weekend, chatting and sharing experiences with like-minded people, swapping trialling and training tips, and of course making new friends.

We'd like to thank Mr Malcolm McLeod, Mr Robert Price, and Mrs Margaret Wedgwood for traveling down from Qld to judge. And likewise to the Victorian judges for the weekend, Mr Byron Kendall and Mr Andrew Yeoman.  Special mention should also go to the trail managers for the weekend, Mr Kevin Phelps and Mr Luke Warner, who did a fabulous job.  However the weekend would not have been possible without the masterminds of the weekend, of Mr Jim Jeffrey and Mr Barry Oliver.

Visit our Flickr site to see images from the weekend, or follow us on Facebook.
Likewise, if you'd like to here more about what is happening with WGAA in Victoria, please visit their blog at http://wgaa.blogspot.com.au/

15th - 16th August Retrieving Trial - Kilkivan QLD

This event will be ONE TRIAL OVER TWO DAYS - 2 runs Saturday, and 2 runs Sunday, commencing at 12noon.

To be held in the Kilkivan area, camping will be available from Friday.
We will also having a pot-luck-dinner, so please bring along a pot to share, dinner starting at 6.30pm.

If your are interested in attending, please drop us a line at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au for directions.

For further information please contact Linda Jeffrey at ljeffrey@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au.

May Long Weekend - 2016

Changes to UFR Calendar - May 2016

The QLD government has just announced that the May Public Holiday will return in 2016, and UFR are super excited! We will be holding a mammoth weekend of competition, camping and all-round good times, so stay tuned!
For further information please contact Linda Jeffrey at ljeffrey@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au.



This event has been changed to a one day trial, on the 11/10/15, to be held locally.
This is our last trial for the year and we will be holding a free sausage sizzle for lunch.
Location is to be confirmed. For further information please contact Linda Jeffrey at ljeffrey@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Congratulations to the VIC division of WGAA - SSAA VIC Shot Expo 2015

A word from Barry Oliver..."Hi all, Just to let you all know that the WGAA gundog demos at the SSAA Shot Expo over the weekend were an outstanding success. Handlers and dogs and the guy on the PA all performed up to expectations and beyond. Well done everyone. SSAA National & SSAA Vic were 'over the moon' with the displays and the huge crowds at our demos."
Great work! We look forward to manning a stand and demonstrating at the QLD SSAA Shot Expo to be held in August this year.
Please contact Kerri, at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au for further information, or if you'd like to help out.

NEXT EVENT - Camping & Training Weekend at Kilkivan - 6th 7th & 8th June 2015

We're a pretty social bunch at UFR and there is nothing we enjoy more than relaxing weekends away with both our 4 legged and 2 legged friends.
This camping weekend is open to everyone, to come along, do a little training, enjoy a camp fire and chat amongst people of similar interests.
Please contact our the event co-ordinator, Mr Nev Bawden for further information or to register you attendance, at ncbawden@westnet.com.au ASAP!

Anniversary Trials - 27th & 28th June 2015 - Toogoolawah

This event is to be held at Toogoolawah.
The FASTEST GUNDOG will be held at this trail.
Please contact our Secretary, at ljeffrey@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au for further information and directions to the trial grounds, or drop us a line at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au.

North - South Retrieving Trial Challenge....We're going to VICTORIA!

WGAA Vic is presenting an Interstate Retrieving Trial Challenge.

The VIC WGAA club is thrilled to announce that several members of the Queensland Branch of the SSAA United Field & Retrieving club will be traveling down south to compete in these trials.
The trials will be held over the weekend of the 4th & 5th of July and will be held in the Nagambie area.

The stakes will be Open, Advanced, Intermediate & Test.
The schedule and entry forms will be circulated soon so make sure you keep this weekend free.
Even if you are not entering remember that we will need plenty of helpers on the day.
This will be a ground breaking event for WGAA and will hopefully lead to triallers making the trip north in future.
Contacts: Kevin Phelps 0407 091 221, Andrew Yeomans 0419 773 508, or Barry Oliver 0403 380 092

This is a great opportunity to come together as a club for a fun, friendly and social weekend to compete with our dogs in the field doing what we and they love.
It is also a great opportunity to meet with some of our Queensland members.


Please contact our Secretary, at ljeffrey@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au for further information and directions to the trial grounds, or drop us a line at info@unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au.