About Me

My photo
A gundog natural instinct is to retrieve. Retrieving Trials provide a perfect avenue for these dogs to express their natural abilities, have fun and exercise. Our sport simulates hunting conditions where the dogs ability to retrieve is tested over various terrain and conditions commonly found in hunting scenarios. The dogs retrieve Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers (artificial game) from anything from dams or creeks to thick marsh or sparse paddocks. We strive to make our competitions a friendly and social environment where our competitors can not only compete whilst having fun with their canine companions, but also enjoy the comradery and friendships that develop with people of similar interests.

Monday, 21 December 2015

2015 Trophy Night

The Acacia Ridge Hotel
1388 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge

6.30pm - 11.30pm

Tickets - $50 per person
Includes 3 Course Meal (alt drop), Tea and Coffee

Lucky Door prizes and raffles drawn on the night.

RSVP as soon as possible please
Margaret Wedgwood 0417 606 214
Denise Nimmo 07 3351 2398

Payments can be made directly to the UFR club account
BSB 124066, AC 20508140 (Please include name when direct depositing)
Cheques can be made payable to United Field and Retrieving Branch

Hotel accommodation is available at the Acacia Ridge Hotel.
Phone 07 3275 1444

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Training Assistance

UFR is seeking a roll of people interested in helping new and potential trialers with training. UFR sees this as a follow-on from our formally organised Training Days held throughout the year. We are after people from all districts. 

If you would like to be added to this list, please contact Mr Nev Bawden.

Retriever Training Conference for Handlers

SSAA WGAA UFR Queensland only rule

United Field and Retrieving Branch Q73 are looking to introducing new rule to our discipline in QLD only.

'SSAA WGAA UFR Queensland only rule' - The length of a run in SSAA WGAA UFR Trials will not exceed a maximum of 150 metres'

This will be discussed and voted on at the 2017 WGAA National Conference but will be instigated in Queensland from our first 2016 Trial.

All club members are welcome to submit their opinions to the executive before our February meeting to be held 3/2/16, for further discussion before voting.
All members are of course welcome to attend club meetings, starting at 7.30pm, Brookside Hotel, Mitchelton.  Meals are available.