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A gundog natural instinct is to retrieve. Retrieving Trials provide a perfect avenue for these dogs to express their natural abilities, have fun and exercise. Our sport simulates hunting conditions where the dogs ability to retrieve is tested over various terrain and conditions commonly found in hunting scenarios. The dogs retrieve Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers (artificial game) from anything from dams or creeks to thick marsh or sparse paddocks. We strive to make our competitions a friendly and social environment where our competitors can not only compete whilst having fun with their canine companions, but also enjoy the comradery and friendships that develop with people of similar interests.

Monday, 18 November 2019

2019 Christmas Breakup and Trophy Presentation

When: Saturday December 7th from 5.00pm
Where: Samsonvale & District Public Hall, Winn Road, Mt Samson
Nibbles provided from 5.00pm
Santa arrives around 5.30pm
BBQ Dinner $25 per head for Adults, $10 per head for children - BBQ Meats, Cold Chicken, a variety of Salads, Potato Bake & Breads
Followed by tempting Desserts
Tea/Coffee available all evening
All you need to bring are your cold drinks. There's even fridges if you don't feel like bringing an esky.
Tables, chairs, plates, cups, cutlery etc are all provided.
Heaps of well lit space for the kids to run around outside safely, why not bring their bikes, cricket bat or ball games!
RAFFLES! Always good fun. (We'd really appreciate a donation towards our traditional raffle table)
PHOTO SLIDE SHOW of our years trials.
The Hall will be decorated with Christmas Lights for the festive season (thank you to our UFR family, the Campbell-Jeffrey's)
Great opportunity for some Family Christmas Photos.  I'm  sure our Photographer, Rad, will have camera in hand.
There's a no caravans or camping rule on the hall grounds, but if you think you are going to partake in some Christmas Cheer and don't want to drive home, you are welcome to bring your swag or sleeping bag and camp in the hall for the night.
Also  local places to stay: Dayboro or Samford Showgrounds, local B&B's or Clear Mountain Lodge.
RSVP: to Denise or email wgaaqld@gmail.com by the 23rd November please.
PAYMENT into the Branch Account would be great please. Contact our Treasurer, Judy, for details please.
What a great way to end our trialing year.
See you there!

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Last Trial for 2019 - 4-5th October Kilkivan

Saturday 5/10/19 is our ‘Kilkivan Cup’ and our Judges are: Test/Intermediate Mrs Edwena Adcock, Advanced Ms Lauren Wallace and Open Mr John Palu. 

Sunday is our ‘Qld Cup’ and our Judges are: Test/Intermediate Mr Colin Robinson, Advanced Mr Geoff Dawson and Open Mr Evan Mangin. 
Time permitting there will be 5 runs for Open Stake (Qld Cup).

Camping is available from noon on Friday and Monday is a public holiday, no need to rush home on Sunday. Our Property Nominee has requested that there is no smoking at the trialsite or Campsite due to the extremely dry weather conditions. 

Please enter via our online entry forms at our websites or email your details if you prefer. Payment can be made on the day. 

Also, we have our Annual Branch Meeting this Wednesday at the Brook Hotel Mitchelton from 7.30pm. Meals are available and all welcome. We will be discussing  2020 trialsites and Judges at this meeting. Hope you can make it.

Catch up soon.

Kind regards,

Linda Jeffrey 
Hon Secretary
SSAA United Field and Retrieving Branch 

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Retrieving Trial - Sunday 1st September 2019

Hello Members,

Just a reminder that we will be holding a Retrieving Trial on Sunday 1/9/19. It is anticipated that this trial will be held at Brisbane Sporting Clays at Belmont. The trial will commence at 8.30am, immediately following the Draw.

Please remember to enter via our online entry form on our UFR Website or our WGAA National Website. Alternatively you can email your entries to wgaaqld@gmail.com
Payment can be made on the day of the trial.

Our Judges for this Trial will be - Test: Mr Rad Miramon, Intermediate: Mr Bryan Pritchard, Advanced: Mr Ron Jackson and Open: Mrs Helen Cattermole.

ALSO: Due to the busy workload of our UFR Committee and Members leading up to our Championship, and the working bees at our new shed, at last nights’ General Meeting it was decided not to hold a Meeting in September and also to move our August Training Day to later in the year. More info on the new Training Day dates will be advertised later on. Our next UFR meeting will be on 
 Wednesday 2/10/19 at the Brook Hotel Mitchelton at 7.30pm, meals available.

Hope to catch up with everyone at our Multi Level Championship on the 17th and 18th August. Best of luck to everyone competing and also thank you to all of the organisers and supporters. 

Kind regards

Linda Jeffrey

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Information - 2019 Multi Level Championships

SSAA WGAA Championship
Linda Jeffrey <wgaaqld@gmail.com>
Sun 4/08/2019 5:41 PM
  • Linda Jeffrey
Hello Members and Friends,

Championship at Stewartdale 17&18/8/19 Update:

Camping available at the UFR Shed.
It would be appreciated if campers could be off the grounds by 10am Monday please. 

Friday Night - Free Sausage Sizzle at ‘Stewartdale House’ at 6.30pm. Punch provided BYO other drinks. The Draw will be at 7pm. All welcome. If you can’t make it to the Draw, your competitor number will be on the table, at the UFR Shed,  on Saturday morning. 

Saturday and Sunday the gathering will start at 7.45am at  the UFR Shed. We will head to the Runs at 8am. 

Please remember that non-competitive dogs are NOT allowed at the Runs. 

Please also respect your fellow trialers  by keeping noise to a minimum while someone is competing. 

We are hoping to run 4 of the 6 Intermediate and Advanced Runs and 6 of the 8 Open Runs on Saturday. This should lead to an early finish on Sunday. Of course this decision could change.

Vetting of entire female dogs will take place from 7am outside the Shed on Saturday morning. 

Your daily lunch packs and drink will be available for COLLECTION at the UFR Shed between 11.30am and 1pm on the Saturday and Sunday. 
There will be tables and chairs their for your use.

Saturday nights sit down dinner will be from 6.30pm - please be seated at the tables under ‘Stewartdale House’ by 6.30pm. BYO drinks please. (Kids, there will be pizza and a movie upstairs for you 😊).

Sunday’s presentation will be immediately following the trial, under the house also. Nibbles and punch provided. 

You are welcome to travel through the property or via the main road to reach your runs. Please leave gates as you find them and drive slowly through the property.

Toilet facilities will be available throughout the Trial in the following locations: under Stewartdale house,    at the UFR shed and a toilet will also be located near the big dam below the house. 

Mr Andy Campell-Jeffrey  will be our Trial Manager for the Championship. Please don’t hesitate to speak with Andy, or any of the Executuve, if you have any concerns.

When travelling to the grounds, there are roadworks at Ripley. If these are still in place can we suggest you follow these directions through the estate- Left into Providence Parade, right into Splendid Road and follow round to the left, Right into Parkway Avenue, Left at the roundabout, Right into Bayliss Road.  

Sincere thanks to anyone who has contributed to the running of our Championship. We thank our sponsors - Ivory Coat, Richard and Fran Eaton-Wells, Denis Bullimore and Kylie Jarrett and all of our Specialty Trophy Donors. 

Everything is in place for a great Championship. Best of luck everyone, but importantly, enjoy your time competing with your dog and the leisure time spent with good friends. 

Linda Jeffrey
Hon Secretary
SSAA United Field and Retrieving. 

Retrieving Trial - 1/9/19

Hello Members,

Just a reminder that we will be holding a Retrieving Trial on Sunday 1/9/19. It is anticipated that this trial will be held at Brisbane Sporting Clays at Belmont. The trial will commence at 8.30am, immediately following the Draw.

Please remember to enter via our online entry form on our UFR Website or our WGAA National Website. Alternatively you can email your entries to wgaaqld@gmail.com
Payment can be made on the day of the trial.

Our Judges for this Trial will be - Test: Mr Rad Miramon, Intermediate: Mr Bryan Pritchard, Advanced: Mr Ron Jackson and Open: Mrs Helen Cattermole.

ALSO: Due to the busy workload of our UFR Committee and Members leading up to our Championship, and the working bees at our new shed, at last nights’ General Meeting it was decided not to hold a Meeting in September and also to move our August Training Day to later in the year. More info on the new Training Day dates will be advertised later on. Our next UFR meeting will be on  Wednesday 2/10/19 at the Brook Hotel Mitchelton at 7.30pm, meals available.

Hope to catch up with everyone at our Multi Level Championship on the 17th and 18th August. Best of luck to everyone competing and also thank you to all of the organisers and supporters. 

Kind regards

Linda Jeffrey

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Anniversary Trial - 1st June 2019

Hello Members and friends,

Just a reminder that entries for our trial on Saturday 1/6/19, close on Monday evening. (Late entries won’t be on the catalogue and may incur a late fee).

This Anniversary Trial will be held at   ‘Stewartdale’ Ripley BUT we will be meeting at our new shed. Please turn before the ‘Stewartdale’ entrance, at the YELLOW water tank on the left - cnr Bowles Road and Ripley Rd, South Ripley (Bowles Rd may not be listed in your Navman).

Our Judges for the weekend are:
Test - Rad Miramon-Jeffrey
Intermediate- Geoff Dawson
Advanced - Robert Price 
Open - Ron Jackson
(Thanks Judges)

The trial will commence at 8.30am and payment can be made at the trial.

Don’t forget to enter ASAP. 

See you all at the trial.

Linda Jeffrey
Hon Secretary

Friday, 26 April 2019

Info for ANZAC Trial in Bundaberg

Some further info regarding our upcoming ANZAC Trial in Bundaberg.

Camping will be available at Ten Mile Road property from lunchtime Friday.
Please be mindful that the property is a working farm and stick to the tracks.

Saturday trial will be held at Ashley and Bev Gilberts property and the neighbours across the road. Thankyou. Draw will take place at campgrounds and we will convoy out to Bevs after the draw.

The monthly general club meeting will be held after the presentations on Saturday afternoon after the trial. All members are welcome to attend.

There will be a HOT POT Dinner on Saturday night at Stuart and Edwena's place after club meeting. All welcome. Bring your hot pot share dinner and a share dessert.
Please bring your plates, cup and cutlery and a chair. These dinners are always a huge success and a nice catch up after the days trialling.

Sunday trial will be held on campsite grounds and will commence after ANZAC Service.

If you need any further info please message , email or call me on 0447487996.
Cheers Edwena

Friday, 5 April 2019

Event Details - 13th - 14th April 2019

Hello Members and Friends,

Our next trials for 2019 will be held on the weekend of the 13th and 14th April and will be held at Fernvale. Directions will be forwarded upon entering via our online entry forms.

Our Judges for the weekend are:
Saturday 13/4/19 - 'The Patron's Trial'
Test: Mr Colin Robinson
Intermediate: Mrs Sharon Bamford
Advanced: Mr Robert Price
Open: Mr Jim Jeffrey

Sunday 14/4/19 - 'The Great Northern Trial'
Test & Intermediate: Mr Malcolm McLeod
Advanced: Mrs Edwena Adcock
Open: Mr Bryan Pritchard

Camping will be available on the grounds from Friday afternoon until Sunday. These grounds are a working quarry, please respect this when arriving, leaving and travelling through the property.  Accommodation is available a few minutes from the grounds at the Fernvale Hotel/Motel.  

Please enter via our online entry forms on our websites. Entries are $13 per entry.  It would be appreciated if you could please enter as soon as possible. Thank you.
Entries close on Monday 8th April 2019. Late entries will be accepted but may incur a late entry fee of $5 per entry and may not be included on the catalogue.

It's now up and running and we're sure that you will enjoy using this site. It will introduce you to WGAA activities throughout Australia, has a great photo gallery and you can access our UFR Qld Website, our UFR FaceBook page, our online entries, register your dogs with WGAA, see our trial results and much more from this site. (Head to the 'Queensland page' to view our info). ENJOY! 

ALSO:  Remember to book in the weekend of the 4th, 5th and 6th May for our ANZAC Trials weekend at Bundaberg.  (Monday is a public holiday).  This is always a great weekend of trials and social activities - hope you can attend. Entries can be placed via our online entry forms or forwarded directly to the Trial Secretary for these trials - Mrs Edwena Adcock.

See you at Fernvale.

Linda Jeffrey
Hon Secretary