About Me

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A gundog natural instinct is to retrieve. Retrieving Trials provide a perfect avenue for these dogs to express their natural abilities, have fun and exercise. Our sport simulates hunting conditions where the dogs ability to retrieve is tested over various terrain and conditions commonly found in hunting scenarios. The dogs retrieve Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers (artificial game) from anything from dams or creeks to thick marsh or sparse paddocks. We strive to make our competitions a friendly and social environment where our competitors can not only compete whilst having fun with their canine companions, but also enjoy the comradery and friendships that develop with people of similar interests.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Last Trial for 2019 - 4-5th October Kilkivan

Saturday 5/10/19 is our ‘Kilkivan Cup’ and our Judges are: Test/Intermediate Mrs Edwena Adcock, Advanced Ms Lauren Wallace and Open Mr John Palu. 

Sunday is our ‘Qld Cup’ and our Judges are: Test/Intermediate Mr Colin Robinson, Advanced Mr Geoff Dawson and Open Mr Evan Mangin. 
Time permitting there will be 5 runs for Open Stake (Qld Cup).

Camping is available from noon on Friday and Monday is a public holiday, no need to rush home on Sunday. Our Property Nominee has requested that there is no smoking at the trialsite or Campsite due to the extremely dry weather conditions. 

Please enter via our online entry forms at our websites or email your details if you prefer. Payment can be made on the day. 

Also, we have our Annual Branch Meeting this Wednesday at the Brook Hotel Mitchelton from 7.30pm. Meals are available and all welcome. We will be discussing  2020 trialsites and Judges at this meeting. Hope you can make it.

Catch up soon.

Kind regards,

Linda Jeffrey 
Hon Secretary
SSAA United Field and Retrieving Branch