About Me

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A gundog natural instinct is to retrieve. Retrieving Trials provide a perfect avenue for these dogs to express their natural abilities, have fun and exercise. Our sport simulates hunting conditions where the dogs ability to retrieve is tested over various terrain and conditions commonly found in hunting scenarios. The dogs retrieve Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers (artificial game) from anything from dams or creeks to thick marsh or sparse paddocks. We strive to make our competitions a friendly and social environment where our competitors can not only compete whilst having fun with their canine companions, but also enjoy the comradery and friendships that develop with people of similar interests.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Covid-19, March Trials 2020

A Message from SSAA United Field & Retrieving Branch:

After consultation with our UFR Executive, and being mindful of our trialing populations wellbeing, we have made the decision to postpone the trials scheduled for the 21st and 22nd March 2020.

It is felt that due to the nature of our sport and the inevitable contact, both personal and via artificial game, firearms and trial equipment, this decision needed to be reached.  

We thank you for your support and we recognise that the health of our trialers and their families is of utmost importance. 

Our trials can easily be rescheduled. 

We will be monitoring the Governments efforts to remove this health threat, and will advise what further action will be undertaken by our Branch in the coming weeks.

Please visit our FaceBook page : https://www.facebook.com/unitedfieldandretrieving/  and web pages:        http://www.ssaawgaa.com/qld/            and     https://www.unitedfieldandretrieving.org.au/  regularly as we endeavour to make the best of this uncertain contingency. 

Jim Jeffrey
(for SSAA United Field & Retrieving Branch Executive)