Hello Members and Friends,
It is with much regret that our Branch, SSAA United Field & Retrieving, has made the very tough decision to cancel our August trial and training day due to current Covid-19 concerns.
We look forward to the day when we can once again enjoy our time trialing with our dogs and our friends.
Other Branch news:
We will be holding a UFR Zoom AGM in September 2020. The date is to be confirmed but it should be the first Wednesday of September.
Numbers will need to be limited at this stage but there are still some places left for this Zoom Meeting.
If you would like to join in, please email ASAP with your response. You will require internet access via your phone with the Zoom App, or your home network with a device with a webcam.
UFR hopes you are all well and still managing to enjoy some time with your family and your K9’s. Take care everyone.
We will keep you updated as our trialing situation changes and we look forward to catching up with you as soon as we are all out of the woods.
Linda Jeffrey
Hon Secretary
SSAA United Field & Retrieving